Like the vain Curlings of the Wat… Which in smooth streams a sinking… So Man, declining alwayes, disapp… In the Weak Circles of increasing… And his short Tumults of themselv…
Courage my Soul, now learn to wie… The weight of thine immortal Shie… Close on thy Head thy Helmet brig… Ballance thy Sword against the Fi… See where an Army, strong as fair…
HOW vainly men themselves amaze To win the palm, the oak, or bays, And their uncessant labours see Crown’d from some single herb or t… Whose short and narrow-verged shad…
Luxurious Man, to bring his Vice… Did after him the World seduce: And from the Fields the Flow’rs a… Where Nature was most plain and p… He first enclos’d within the Gard…
Charissimo Filio Edmundo Trotio Posuimus Pater & Mater Frustra superstites. Legite Parentes, vanissimus homin…
Where the remote Bermudas ride In th’ Oceans bosome unespy’d, From a small Boat, that row’d alo… The listning Winds receiv’d this… What should we do but sing his Pr…
Ametas Think’st Thou that this Love can… Whilst Thou still dost say me nay… Love unpaid does soon disband: Love binds Love as Hay binds Hay…
First was the world as one great c… Where jarring winds to infant Nat… All music was a solitary sound, To hollow rocks and murm’ring foun… Jubal first made the wilder notes…
Nec sterilem te crede; Licet, mul… Falcem virginiae nequeas immitere… Et nostro peccare modo. Tibi Fama… Praegnabit; rapiesque novem de mon… Et pariet modulos Echo repetita N…
Ye living lamps, by whose dear lig… The nightingale does sit so late, And studying all the summer night, Her matchless songs does meditate; Ye county comets, that portend
Damon come drive thy flocks this w… D. No: ’tis too late they went astray… I have a grassy Scutcheon spy’d, Where Flora blazons all her pride…
Like the vain curlings of the wate… Which in smooth streams a sinking… So Man, declining always, disappe… In the weak circles of increasing… And his short tumults of themselve…
To the Lord Fairfax. See how the arched Earth does her… Rise in a perfect Hemisphere! The stiffest Compass could not st… A line more circular and like;
When for the Thorns with which I… With many a piercing wound, My Saviours head have crown’d, I seek with Garlands to redress t… Through every Garden, every Mead,
Quis posthac chartae committat sen… Si sua crediderit Fata subesse st… Conscia si prodat Seribentis Lite… Quicquid & in vita plus latuis… Flexibus in calami tamen omnia spo…