
They’re coming for me

I’m not safe in here, every second feels like a ticking bomb.
I can feel them, breathing on my neck, whispering in my ears.
They say all they want to do is help, but I know those are threats.
The words are softly spoken, but I know the intentions behind them.
Words are so sweet that you could easily believe them, but they are sharp.
Sharp as a blade, just waiting to stab me on the back when I’m down.
Everywhere I look I can see them, their greedy eyes monitoring me.
They follow every step I take, waiting for me to commit another mistake.
It’s not all in my head because otherwise, the fear wouldn’t feel so real.
I wouldn’t be afraid to speak or even breathe when I’m around them.
They want to break my skull to see everything I’ve been hiding,
so they can punish me for every sin I’ve perpetrated, they’re close.
They’re so much more clever than I anticipated, I’m afraid.
I’ve tried to move from the past, but it seems impossible right now.
They want to know my secrets, my scars, and my whispers.
To read me as if I was an open book for them to inspect.
They wish to judge me and give me a sentence for the sins I committed.
What should I do? I can’t keep them away for longer.
Maybe I should pay my penitence if that would make them disappear.
I need to end this, but I’m not sure how I should do it.
I feel on the edge of a cliff, where I have no options left.
Altre opere di Anastasia...
