The King of Scotland, years and y… Convened his courtiers in a gallan… And thus addressed them: 'Gentle sirs, from you Abundant counsel I have had, and…
Hassan Bedreddin, clad in rags, i… Sought the great temple of the liv… The worshippers arose and drove hi… And one in power beat him with a r… ‘Allah,’ he cried, ‘thou seest wha…
Dear Bruner, once we had a little… (That is to say, 'twas I did all… About the manner of your moral wal… How devious the trail you made in… On level ground, your law-protecte…
Twas a sick young man with a face… And an eye that was all alone; And he shook his head in a hopeles… As he sat on a roadside stone. ‘O, ailing youth, what untoward fa…
There were brave men, some one has… Before Atrides (those were mostly… Behind him) and ere you could e’er… Actaeon lived, Nimrod and Bahram… In strength and speed and daring t…
‘Let John P. Irish rise!’ the ed… As when Creation into being spran… Nature, not clearly understanding,… To make a bird that on the air cou… But naught could baffle the creati…
That from _you_, neighbor! to whos… Each rhyming literary knacker scou… His cart-compelling Pegasus to tr… As folly, fame or famine smartly u… Admonished by the stimulating goad…
God dreamed-the suns sprang flamin… And sailing worlds with many a ven… He woke-His smile alone illumined…
It is pleasant to think, as I’m w… A-drying along my paper, That a monument fine will surely b… When death has extinguished my tap… From each rhyming scribe of the jo…
A man born blind received his sigh… By a painful operation; And these are things he saw in the… Of an infant observation. He saw a merchant, good and wise.
A spitcat sate on a garden gate And a snapdog fared beneath; Careless and free was his mien, an… Held a fiddle-string in his teeth. She marked his march, she wrought…
Once on a time, so ancient poets s… There reigned in Godknowswhere a… So great a monarch ne’er before wa… He was a hero, even to his queen, In whose respect he held so high a…
Come, Stanford, let us sit at eas… And talk as old friends do. You talk of anything you please, And I will talk of you. You recently have said, I hear,
Cried Allen Forman: 'Doctor, pra… Compose my spirits’ strife: O what may be my chances, say, Of living all my life? ‘For lately I have dreamed of hig…