What do you do when you’ve screwed up this bad and you’re not sure that it can be fixed
I sit amongst a group of people not saying a word they do not
you said I was an angel yet i only see the demon you said i had beauty yet i only see ugliness within you said “beauty in the flesh”
i’ve never met somebody who set my blood on fire quite like this with flames moving throughout my body
Don’t tell me you love me Don’t tell me you hate me Don’t say you
Blood flow freely flow until i have no more to give Flow until you have
Plip, plop the blood drops Tick, tock goes the clock Ding, dong
i sit up high upon a wall and that’s when people see me They don’t say
I’ve got attitude DAMN right I’ve got attitude! Living in this House with
Did you know I’ve cut myself Watched myself Bleed Did you know
They always ask is the wight jacket comfy are the wight walls conferring And always I
It started when i was seven Its been about Eleven years now This strange fasination
This isn’t a poem, it’s relly just… Of pain and sorrow And the lost maybes of tomorrow For i can’t remember a single happ… i remember smiling, laughing
How can I go three days Depressed and barely eating But he doesn’t even notice Tortured in my dreams By visions of the past
He sits on a hill of bodies and wonders why has this become his hated fate To take the life