Even though the tears fall the misary never fades You hope to last till morning but you feel you’re withering away
Have you ever had your heart torn in two You don’t even know if the pieces
I don’t have any words left to write so why do I even bother trying I have felt so
They say she died tragically It’s sad to see a
I’m sitting on a hill staring at a city that I never loved A life I could
I want to talk to let you know But I see that you’re dealing, Barely that is, with your own shit I see it in your eyes, In the way you stand
Plip, plop the blood drops Tick, tock goes the clock Ding, dong
the wind howls as the water churns and we are tempest tossed in this raging storm the men work hard
Thief and dark angel what a pair they make Her hiding in the dark stealing their secrets Him in the open with
stand up be strong that’s what i’ve always been told keep fighting
Don’t tell me you love me Don’t tell me you hate me Don’t say you
What do you do when you’ve screwed up this bad and you’re not sure that it can be fixed
Who am i to you? Am i boy or girl? Am i life
He sits on a hill of bodies and wonders why has this become his hated fate To take the life
They come and go with us We see them nor hear them We feel them nor