There is a girl dead in a corner Does anybody notice of corse not Do they know her
Have you ever had your heart torn in two You don’t even know if the pieces
i sit up high upon a wall and that’s when people see me They don’t say
How can I go three days Depressed and barely eating But he doesn’t even notice Tortured in my dreams By visions of the past
I’ve probably had about ten shots now trying to drown out her memory We left under harsh words, tears, and shouts
I want to talk to let you know But I see that you’re dealing, Barely that is, with your own shit I see it in your eyes, In the way you stand
what do you do when your worst fears are realized when the words you’ve dreaded hearing have been spoken where will you go now that
This isn’t a poem, it’s relly just… Of pain and sorrow And the lost maybes of tomorrow For i can’t remember a single happ… i remember smiling, laughing
the ground begins to tremble with the power of her anger the choices
when i came here i was hoping people would stay out of my life now they’re screwing
It started when i was seven Its been about Eleven years now This strange fasination
Blood flow freely flow until i have no more to give Flow until you have
splish, splash floating in my own blood so many cuts that i’ve actually
They call her the barefoot princess A princess that despises her royal gown No shoes and
Even though the tears fall the misary never fades You hope to last till morning but you feel you’re withering away