To my boyfriend Cris
This is a story of two lost souls and standing up for those you love.
As I sit here and cry nobody notices the tears For I hide
I don’t have any words left to write so why do I even bother trying I have felt so
stand up be strong that’s what i’ve always been told keep fighting
If the world realy does end If i’m still alive by then i’ll go peacfully for
Don’t tell me you love me Don’t tell me you hate me Don’t say you
You sit in a corner and nobody sees the bloody tears running down your face For the pain you’ve
There is a girl dead in a corner Does anybody notice of corse not Do they know her
Every thing seems to be changing around me And i’m not sure i’ll be
If you could be any person you wanted to be who would that person be?
i have learned over the years that love is no good It crushes your
Blood flow freely flow until i have no more to give Flow until you have
He sits on a hill of bodies and wonders why has this become his hated fate To take the life
ring ring the final day is done ring ring time is up ring ring
I have a word of advice for any body young or old keep your heart
people see an outward aperance and think i’m inacent and pure but not once do they look to see the darkness hidden uderneath just because i can make myself