Ink Blotter

Not A Fairytale

I thought I knew
What was love
That I would recognize it
When it came to the door
Greet it with open arms
Never imagining
I’d pick someone so wrong
I had always prided myself
On my smarts
But I was just a fool
A naive idiot
Taken in by all
Your shallow whims
Falling for your charm
Never realizing my mistake
Until it was too late
Stuck in the trap you set
But you were just a liar
Of the truest kind
You thought you knew me
You thought me weak
Handpicked to fit your mold
But you were wrong
You played your games
Your lines memorized
The picture of innocence
While you strummed away
On my heart
A pleased smile etched
Across your deceiving face
As you watched me squirm
Undoubtedly pleased
With the prize you had won
But I was still young
Still gaining my sight
Learning the art of flight
And I couldn’t see
Through your facade
Your mouth sprouting
Empty promises
That I eagerly accepted
Getting high on the
Bouquet of flowers
You magnanimous produced
To mask your true intent
And like the fool I was
So eager to be loved
I fell all your lines
Never doubting
The things you said
The lies you spread
Ignoring all the signs
Letting your glossy package
Sweep away all doubt
Consumed by your fancy ribbons
The illusion you spoon fed me
But like every storybook
This one has an ending
And I wasn’t the lead
So blind with lust
Taken by the fanciful idea of love
I had always read about
And I never even noticed
The first attack
To stunned
To block the blow
Your pretty face
Transforming before my eyes
Into something else
Into someone else
A stranger I had never met
Standing over me
With a malicious smirk
This wasn’t my fairytale
Was he always this pretty liar?
How could I have been so blind?
He thought me weak
But this was the moment
Everything changed
And I woke up
I wasn’t going to give up
I wasn’t going to die
And I fought
Garnished with strength
I didn’t know I had
And now he is gone
And all he left behind
Was bitterness that lingers still
My hardened heart
Better prepared now
Determined never to be called
A fool again
Furious at my naiveness
Betrayed by my innocence
Resentment filling the holes he left
As I now mourn the death
Of a dear dear friend
Never again
That is my vow
As I lay you to rest
I’m wiser now
I learned my lesson well
Trusting is for the weak
Fancy polish
An illusion
That is only a coverup
Used by con artists
Looking for their next mark
I was stupid girl then
Seduced by your lies
But there won’t be a next time
Because that girl
I once was is dead
Autres oeuvres par Ink Blotter...
