Lady J.

What You've Given Up !

Me, first and most importantly.
A beautiful independent version of me.
A connection to keep together our family.
Also giving up a once in a lifetime opportunity.
You gave it up,
and for what?
I’m still not even sure, but you make me feel I’m never good enough.
You were wrapped up so much in you, that you seem to have forgot                                                                  Important people here, remember the three of us?                                                                                                                      You just always have to push your luck
Losing quite possibly your only chance at real love.
I, myself, am Indestructible - you were just another one,
Another Mr.Wrong left me and stepped on me as if I were crumbs
You clumsily threw me on your bookshelf of the past, collecting dust.
I got up though, carried on and just swept it all under the rug.
Decided I was good enough, more than so.                                                                                                                         You were just another destructive soul.                                                                                                              
The plans I had, happily ever after envisioned,                                                                                                                                               Reminiscing on all of the loving things I did.
For you, With you mainly,
And then you just so easily                                                                                                                                                      left me, alone, and lonely
Homeless, poor, hungry,
With a newborn baby.                                                                                                                                                   Praying God helps me and her                                    
As you so easily left us in the shelter                                                                                                                                          the first place in this world,
that my innocent baby girl,
Would have ever had to see,
I tried keeping her eyes fixated solely
and only on me.
Didn’t want her surrounded by misery,
and in with the company,
in which this wretched place keeps,
Stuck here in poverty.
But I built myself up,
from the ground,
a solid sound,
in which I heard,
the Lord called my name,
Shined down upon me his grace,
And then so graciously abundant blessings began,
still have not stopped, I’m truly a blessed woman
Every day more and more are coming my way.
I guess all I can truly say,
Is that it all started on the day:
Where you let go of me,                                                                                                                                                         and chose to walk away from your family                                                                                                                              Maybe for you I was just never ever good enough,
Or Possibly having a family proved to be too much.
Why did you have to always go around and push your luck.
Now you are missing                                                                                                                                                                     all of these;                                                                                                                                                                                       beautiful moments and cherished memories.                                                                                                                               As you look at us now,                                                                                                                                                                       are you proud,
I know surely now it wasn’t because I wasn’t good enough,
For I haven’t missed a single moment,                                                                                                                                 Now Karma has come back around, and you are stuck,                                                                                             You’re without a home yourself, you shouldn’t have pushed your luck,                                                                              You could have been here the entire time, cuddled up,                                                                                                                And would have been given all of our love,                                                                                                                    If just in the past you had seen all I had done,                                                                                                                    Now all you have is lost memories that consist of all the beautiful things you gave up.

Altre opere di Lady J....
