Allan Robinson

Letter from Santa

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all the readers of my poems

Letter from Santa
The elves and I have been very busy making toys for you,
and for all the other good children in the whole world too.
I have wonderful surprises for you this Christmas day,
You have been nice to your family in every way.
Remember to hang up your stocking by the chimney with care
I promise on Christmas eve night that I will be there.
We can all share a much better world if we give a little ourselves,
You don’t need to be like Santa and have elves.
There is a little bit of Santa in everyone and to give gifts is lots fun.
I’ve got a whole lists of all the toys you will like,
That doll and the bike are on the top of my Christmas list this night.
Please leave a carrot for Rudolf, a mince pie and sherry for me
Wake up in the morning and see all your presents under the Christmas tree
Merry Christmas
Santa Claus
© Copyright 2014 Allan Robinson


I was looking around Ebay when I saw a letter to Santa they seem to sell these letters for a nice price of £4.00 for each letter (Bit of a Rip off if you ask me for a few words). I took words from the letter and added some more words and came up with this letter to Santa. It hasn't cost four pounds for people to read and its a nice little poem and I hope anyone who reads this Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all the readers of my poems

#ChristmasClaus #Santa

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