Strung a few words together before sleep
Patience is a virtue you have hear… Patience is a virtue no need to ru… Patience is a virtue can you wait… Patience is a virtue its a sin isn… Patience is a virtue wait until it…
Good eating, practical someone sai… Tastes great even when it’s stuffe… Looks really yellow but tastes rea… You can see it a mile off when its… Cooks like a courgette but don’t g…
Have a very special Christmas, All your fabulous wishes come tru… Have a wonderful Christmas day to… And prosperous Happy New Year to… © Copyright 2015
Why is the world full of rules, Why haven’t some of us got a clue. Why do people tell us what to do, Why do they always have to have ru… Why are we given directions that t…
I present a radio show called Gol… Its broadcasts to families with ge… I play the tracks from all kinds o… Old ladies sit and listen they are… Elvis is singing his jail house r…
May I speak to you for a moment h… Took me to one side I feared to d… Something wrong with your work he… You can do better, I wont go off… This is what you do he explained,
It’s that ryte fine rain that wet’… Sometimes It’s spitting don’t kno… Or it’s pissing it dahn someone sa… Wets tha threw including your head… It’s chucking it dahn reyt bad,
I want to be a better person, Someone who is proud, a man who is… I want to be a better person Someone who is strong, who you can… I want to be a better person
Poems are simple and easy to write… you don’t need a brain or even to… Don’t go looking for really long w… because your rhyme will become obs… You can write about poetry, anythi…
There are times when when we all t… Wonder if we did the right things… Sometimes yes, and other times no, Who knows what life will throw. But whatever we think is right or…
Its my one hundredth poem got her… Lots of my poems was of my past. Some of them good some were bad, And some of them I written when f… Most of my poems are written from…
Why are we arguing all the time? If its not your fault then it must… why are we arguing its so sad, and all the time your getting mad. You always say your right, I am w…
This is my house its a bungalow I… Its a place I live happily all o… Got a cosy living room nice that’s… Wall to wall carpets all the way t… A fire that glows in the dark,
Tender seeds sewn to the earth, Gives a plant its time of birth. As it grows in the spring, You can hear all of the birds star… Rains fall often and feeds the pla…
Happy new year to all my friends Happy New year To all my friends, As 2014 draws to an end. Happy New year