#Americans #Women
IN this still cloister where the… Waist-high between the arches and… You would have walked a thousand y… So faithful, who are now so infide… You would have fancied your wild h…
Oft on my way, my daily task pursu… Meet I two fairy figures face to… Beauty and Peace, who smile on me… All else I see with something of… Not in my youth did I their shape…
FARE you well, who love the high… Love the cities, tall and bright, For the forest ways are my ways, And the birds’ songs my delight, And the stars in river byways
DEAR, if you love me, hold me mo… Chosen from out the many who would… Your gladness gladly - heavily you… Who best can sympathize, best comp… Where others fail; who, breathless…
AND will you rest at last, storm-… In this poor heart, who would your… Will you sink down at last, conten… The common treaures of tranquillit… Will you forget your high and fier…
I WANTED you to come to-day Or so I told you in my letter And yet, if you had stayed away, I should have liked you so much be… I should have sipped my tea unseen…
‘YES, Spring has come,’ the groc… And tied a final knot of string, Rang up the change and becked his… Elated at the breath of Spring. ‘Yes, Spring has come,’ the poet…
‘NEVER,’ he said, ‘nevermore, In the murmuring stillness of nigh… Shall I wait for her hand on my d… Confident, light; Still is the night as before,
I have loved England, dearly and… Since that first morning, shining… The white cliffs of Dover I saw r… Out of the sea that once made her… I had no thought then of husband o…
The consciousness of my mortality Which used to blind and limit all… Weighs on me not since I have bee… Death is the price of our felicity… And life eternal would not leave u…
COURAGE to ask of love neither… Wisdom to wait, silence and faith… Fear, not alone lest the bond be s… But, that love, too desperately de…
I saw a lady on the stair, And she was, oh, so strangely fair… With a knot of butter-colored hair… And a waiting, listening, wonderin… She was tall as a lady ought to be…
ONLY the stars remain to travele… Unalterable; the waters change the… Beneath the flattery of alien skie… From jade to silver and from bronz… Sunrise and sunset spread their lo…
TRAINED nurses, trained nurses… Trained nurses by night, trained n… In the corridors, on the stair, Looking for towels, carrying a tra… Saying, 'you mustn’t,' ‘you must,’…
HE: I am in trouble, give me your… SHE: No, for I’m sure 'twould no… HE: It shall, I swear it shall,… SHE:If that’s agreed, what is th… HE:How can I win a woman who is…