#Americans #Women
HER hair was beautifully white Beneath her bonnet, black as night… Which, plainly of New England kin… Was tied with strings beneath her… And when she spoke I had no choic…
(' Women are often tempters to sexual sin and delight in it. . . A recent report of a female probation officer relates that some of the girls who, as we may say euphemistically’ had gon...
JUST a very common thing - Shouts and whistles, bells that ri… Just a platform in the rain And a slowly moving train; Just a woman dressed in black
THE house is empty, and the garde… A shadowed aisle of linden and of… A marble vase, a glimpse of river-… Translucent white against transpar… A mystery of boxwood and of byway,
NIGHT after night within the gro… The night wind spares the sacred f… The breath made visible of love, Of worship and desire. I set the tripod at thy shrine;
WON’T it be curious when I am de… Some one, unknown to me, here in m… Curious surely for others to see Trifles I made or marred outlasti… All my possessions - bracelets and…
‘NOT that you’ll like him,' Nell… ‘No mystery - no romance, A fine, stern, eagle-like head, But he simply reeks of finance, - Started from nothing - self-made -…
IN this still cloister where the… Waist-high between the arches and… You would have walked a thousand y… So faithful, who are now so infide… You would have fancied your wild h…
O FRANCE, with what a shamed an… We now recall that in a bygone day We sought of you art, wit, perfect… You were to us a playground and a… Paris was ours - its sudden green…
HE (after a pause): Dear, are you… SHE: Yes, though not at you, But at myself. Of course, we know… That when a man respects a girl... HE (interrupting): I thought
LONG since I taught my spirit to… The Sage’s great commandment - to… And so to lose life’s bitterness a… And taste its sweetness; and I we… Eluding joy and sorrow, grave and…
‘YES, Spring has come,’ the groc… And tied a final knot of string, Rang up the change and becked his… Elated at the breath of Spring. ‘Yes, Spring has come,’ the poet…
FARE you well, who love the high… Love the cities, tall and bright, For the forest ways are my ways, And the birds’ songs my delight, And the stars in river byways
‘ Some Cupid kills with arrows, s… I WRITE for those, of whom I kn… Young, pretty, and a little bit fl… Who would do even more harm, if th… The science of the Art of being G…
You who are strong, and do not kno… That weaker spirits feel, but do n… The need to lean on someone who is… Oh! see you give their silent want… Be not so busy with your own caree…