#Americans #Women
‘ Some Cupid kills with arrows, s… I WRITE for those, of whom I kn… Young, pretty, and a little bit fl… Who would do even more harm, if th… The science of the Art of being G…
THE LIGHT of spring On the emerald earth, A man, a maid, And a mood of mirth, A foolish jest,
‘NEVER,’ he said, ‘nevermore, In the murmuring stillness of nigh… Shall I wait for her hand on my d… Confident, light; Still is the night as before,
THE white cat is sleeping by the… With her paws tucked under her chi… Very tame and gentle she is sleepi… Whom I saw but now come in, Come in from the dark night and th…
(' Women are often tempters to sexual sin and delight in it. . . A recent report of a female probation officer relates that some of the girls who, as we may say euphemistically’ had gon...
‘YES, Spring has come,’ the groc… And tied a final knot of string, Rang up the change and becked his… Elated at the breath of Spring. ‘Yes, Spring has come,’ the poet…
AND will you rest at last, storm-… In this poor heart, who would your… Will you sink down at last, conten… The common treaures of tranquillit… Will you forget your high and fier…
THERE is a willow grows beside a… Its long gray branches sweep the m… And from those waters shadowy and… The stars shine, large and dim. From open valleys filled with litt…
NIGHT after night within the gro… The night wind spares the sacred f… The breath made visible of love, Of worship and desire. I set the tripod at thy shrine;
WAYNE was looking near and far After the theatre to find his car. He had taken his wife to the play… Broadway was glittering hard and b… With every sort of electric light
(Her lover speaks.) AN equal love between a man and w… This is the only charm to set us f… And this the only omen Of immortality.
I saw a lady on the stair, And she was, oh, so strangely fair… With a knot of butter-colored hair… And a waiting, listening, wonderin… She was tall as a lady ought to be…
I WANTED you to come to-day Or so I told you in my letter And yet, if you had stayed away, I should have liked you so much be… I should have sipped my tea unseen…
MAGIC for fitful souls whose aim… Pleasures that forfeit not the man… Who deem themselves absolved to ap… While they, protesting hate, pursu… Who lack strength to attain or els…
IN this still cloister where the… Waist-high between the arches and… You would have walked a thousand y… So faithful, who are now so infide… You would have fancied your wild h…