#Americans #Women
WAYNE was looking near and far After the theatre to find his car. He had taken his wife to the play… Broadway was glittering hard and b… With every sort of electric light
LAST night I saw a city by the s… Outlined in sparks of fire; Those wreathed lamps made all a fa… Arch, dome and spire. I saw above the waters pale and gr…
THE LIGHT of spring On the emerald earth, A man, a maid, And a mood of mirth, A foolish jest,
(Her lover speaks.) AN equal love between a man and w… This is the only charm to set us f… And this the only omen Of immortality.
YES, you have guessed it. Do not… Indeed, I did not dream, 0 tender… When first we met, that in a littl… My words would dim you with pain’s… Do not reproach me, for I suffer…
THERE was an instant when he mig… He could not see the lady; but ins… He nodded with a blank, impassive… And waited, never moving from his… Beside the window, till a moment m…
The consciousness of my mortality Which used to blind and limit all… Weighs on me not since I have bee… Death is the price of our felicity… And life eternal would not leave u…
O FRANCE, with what a shamed an… We now recall that in a bygone day We sought of you art, wit, perfect… You were to us a playground and a… Paris was ours - its sudden green…
THERE is a willow grows beside a… Its long gray branches sweep the m… And from those waters shadowy and… The stars shine, large and dim. From open valleys filled with litt…
THE clear young voices rise and s… Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:… Shall prosper that love thee.’ Ye… Harbors the hope that he may have… In war– the roar of guns, the roll…
I have loved England, dearly and… Since that first morning, shining… The white cliffs of Dover I saw r… Out of the sea that once made her… I had no thought then of husband o…
Her old love in tears and silence… Ringed by moats and flanked with t… ‘Here,’ he said, 'will come no whi… In these granite walls imprisoned,… As he spoke along the highway ther…
AND will you rest at last, storm-… In this poor heart, who would your… Will you sink down at last, conten… The common treaures of tranquillit… Will you forget your high and fier…
TRAINED nurses, trained nurses… Trained nurses by night, trained n… In the corridors, on the stair, Looking for towels, carrying a tra… Saying, 'you mustn’t,' ‘you must,’…
Oft on my way, my daily task pursu… Meet I two fairy figures face to… Beauty and Peace, who smile on me… All else I see with something of… Not in my youth did I their shape…