Fixed is my Faith, the lingering… That still we move through Libert… The Human Tragedy. When God out of chaos primeval di… And moved on the face of the water…
Let not the roses lie Too thickly tangled round my tomb, Lest fleecy clouds that skim the s… Flinging their faint soft shadows,… And know not over whom.
Where Apennine slopes unto Tuscan… And breaks into dimples, and laugh… To see where the terrors of Winte… And out of a valley of grape and g… There blossoms a City of domes an…
‘Awake, awake, for the Springtime… March daffodils too long dreaming; The lark is high in the spacious s… And the celandine’s stars are glea… The gorse is ablaze, and the woodl…
Three graces still attend me, sinc… Your step across my graceless thre… Reverence, and Gratitude, and Lov… Reverence, whose gaze fears from t… And bows its head, and sues to you…
Now in the woodlands from the crea… The last sere leaves are loosened… Where once the tender honeysuckle… And the fond mavis fluted to his s… Already dreaming of her winter dro…
The lark confinèd in his cage, And captive in his wing, Though fluttering with imprisoned… Forbeareth not to sing. But still the strain, though loud…
The flower, full blown, now bends… The mellow fruit inclines the boug… The brow which thought impregnates… Death-stricken is the womb in givi… Cracked is the vase by heat which…
Midway his upward unavailing cours… Sate Sisyphus, his back against h… Halting a moment from that task of… Adown his swollen cheeks ran strea… Dripping from thick-drenched locks…
Go talk to her, sweet flower, To whom I fain would talk Tell her I hour by hour Pine on my own poor stalk. Tell her that I should live
‘The old Church doors stand open… Though neither bells nor anthems p… Gazing so fondly from outside, Why do you enter not and kneel? ’It is the sunset hour when all
Long ere the Muse the strenuous c… And the first lay as yet in silenc… A Time there was which since has… To notes of wail and accents warm… Moved the soft Mantuan to his sil…
Now let the cry, ‘To Arms! To Ar… Go ringing round the world; And swift a wave-wide Empire swar… Round Battleflag unfurled! Wherever glitters Britain’s might…
Nay, bring forth none but daughter… The doubles of yourself; with face… Bearing as candid, gait as debonai… And voice as deeply, musically str… That the less fortunate age, from…
‘Roses crimson, roses white, Deadly pale or lovely blushing, Both in love with May at sight, And their maiden blood is rushing To and fro in hope to hide