An Autumnal Sunset on the Russian River Evening Glow, by William Keith
Alexis Karpouzos

The Road to Awe– Alexis Karpouzos

Sanctuary, the Great Welcome.

This morning I walked the path to awe, i met gods frustrated and angels sad. The people had abandoned them and the magic had tumbled. Now, people are orphans, wanderers across the night, frightened meteors looking for the source of awe.

‘’Where is it? Where to look for it?’’ The agony floods their souls. ‘’Don’t look away. The sanctuary manifested in the bird that wakes the sun in the morning with its song, in the raindrop that narrates the sorrows of the sky, in the air that whispers secrets in the trees, in the eternal face of shadow, in the silence of heart, in the symmetry of universe, in the mountains that grow unnoticed, in the colour of flowers, in the eyes of cat, in the arrival of sparrows.

Sanctuary, the Great Welcome.

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