All of a sudden I just don’t care All this lovin I’m just not there Give me somethin
The beginning is coming here Where we used to play Sometimes we would laugh Or walk all day Then our feet would rise from the…
My finger dance over the page As my soul goes into my feet Her smile is like candy Oh so so sweet My friends tell me the truth
Back in the day Before I knew The way I would have gotten mad At what you
When our lips touched hers and min… I got a tangling sensation Up my spine As my hands move south I cup her breasts
In the worst time I always loose focus All these great lines How do I show this Can you rewind
I feel it everywhere But yet I only care How I’m getting there That’s mine and They have theirs
Work hard to Love her and Yourself Don’t be concerned With every body else
As I lay dying I can’t help but say I might beat this I may
Two men went into the woods To make peace with the earth and w… The fire burned in the middle As they spoke to each other Then the secret was exposed
Get up To the world Its happy If you make it that way Your loved ones
Perfect placement Peaceful patience Unwritten statements Grass and pavement Than the wave hit
I was once walking down Pasture lane when crows flew over… Then I thought of subtle rain Pouring over the dead.... And golden sunsets bless this visi…
What is skin? Does it hold the soul in? So we can be forgiven? Yeah, race doesn’t matter. Oh it does?!
I write Not for tomorrow But for today Because tomorrow isn’t promised I promise