Perfect placement Peaceful patience Unwritten statements Grass and pavement Than the wave hit
Death come for all us All of us alike... So why are we concerned With color and height?
Back in the day Before I knew The way I would have gotten mad At what you
I am the paper inked And I am the paper I am the thoughts that think And I am the thinker I am the final drink
As I lay dying I can’t help but say I might beat this I may
Treatments are not the same In a crowd full of people Achievements to blame Make us unequal So just go with your words
One An individual Totally unique One Earth
I feel it everywhere But yet I only care How I’m getting there That’s mine and They have theirs
God loves us all And has the answer... But Why are some babies born with canc…
Fill your days with Productivity. Challenge your thoughts Through activities. It leads to spouts
Just got off work. It’s raining, pretty cloudy. About to go bizirric Unless I blow some loudie.
Work hard to Love her and Yourself Don’t be concerned With every body else
I let my actions control my emotio… Not the other way around. When I let this notion permeate,… It’s such a happy sound. To know you are in control in the…
I think outside the box Because I’m off the equinox I can walk and talk But I’m not a paradox Because I got the lock
What is skin? Does it hold the soul in? So we can be forgiven? Yeah, race doesn’t matter. Oh it does?!