That is a new poem Written by AIdo Kraas
Whose life it is anyway Because He is always smoking A joint He doesn’t care
I am also proud To belong to the Polvo Brazileiro Also many years when I was born one Brazilian
I wait for tomorrow Because it is not in vain And I also have the feeling that… Will be much better for me than to… Even though I am having that intu…
Let me drift away Into the deep blue sky When I go to sleep tonight Because I want to feel the same w… That the birds feel when they are…
That beautiful starry night During the Summer night I enjoy very much I look up in the sky And I see all the
I have fallen in love With the new country That I call home It is Canada I must say
Stay with me My Father Because I been depress For a long time Because you have
She has Pretty eyes The color of the sea Her eyes are green Also her eyes shines in the sun
How do you want Your life to be Do you want To be a Christian Also black people
Como estás I have loved you my Whole life You are somebody special To me
1,2,3, The sun will come out tomorrow 1,2,3, Today it is a bit cold But if you go out for walk
When you feel Lonely And cold Come into the house Of the Lord
Serious cases I have lots The one that bothers me A lot is my anger That I don’t know
I am fascinated With God’s nature He did a good job Making the trees And he used his holy
I will never walk alone Because I have my father That walks with me first thing In the morning Before it gets too hot