That is a new poem Written by Aldo Kraas
We are trapped In a no win situation And we are all blacks Buying joints from The drug dealers in the street
You are looking fine tonight Watching the stars and the moon Shining at night in the sky That is so beautiful Yes our Father made
I wish I could be with you now Because my life is always empty wi… But at the same time I keep running out of time That is my fault
Como estás I have loved you my Whole life You are somebody special To me
I will live for today Because today is not over yet And there is so many things that… Before I can dream about tomorrow I will live for today
It is my life that I am living And I am not going to waste it Because I am just going to live i… As it comes to me
Where you been Father I am happy that I am Your black child Black people we all Have one father
My father How I love To have That untitled Painting hanging
Spring You warm up my heart That is so cold And that cold that was inside of m… Is now gone
Let me drift away Into the deep blue sky When I go to sleep tonight Because I want to feel the same w… That the birds feel when they are…
Women when I needed you the Most you wore there Every day Taking care of me Women I am old now
Never too late To make new Friends in our Lives Because we
When I am feeling down When I need someone to talk to I will turn to you, My prince of peace Come into my heart
I have a choice I must write poetry every day For my Father and my friends It is my Father who have made I in his image
About me I am somebody special That was made By my father With his holy hands