come closer,
and do not fear,
i will not whisper sweet things in your ear,
but will make you realize, that the real
man in me might will.
He might say,
that the reason he wakes up every morning,
is not to see the sun rise up from the tallest building,
but to see your eyes shut still,
covered in sheets,
hearing your little snores,
after a few times you breathe.
Finding you naked in comfort,
and willingly, accepting that
he is the man of your dreams.
Clearly, you are still wondering if i am,
and I am, I am the man of your dreams.
Sadly, i won’t wake up next to you,
but at least smile, smile because someday,
somebody will.
It may not be tomorrow,
but ONE day, he will be there for your sorrow,
for your smiles, your giggles and screams,
and eventually argue, when all he want to do
in that moment is give you a kiss,
a long lasting hug because he just
realized in those few minutes,
that he is standing in front of
the woman he loves,
that even after a few stupid fights,
he will be there to comfort you and apologize,
for what he did and promise you,
he will change for YOU,
he will give his life to YOU,
but all you want to do is argue,
while, all you’ve done is pierce his heart,
slowly with dull kitchen knives while
making him a sandwich.
You do not look him in the eye,
but he, he eats that sandwich like its his last,
Looks at it again and looks back at you,
Hoping it might be poisoned, and eventually end.
He does not understand, why his love is not enough,
and you, you do not either.