Listen . . . With faint dry sound, Like steps of passing ghosts, The leaves, frost-crisp’d, break f… And fall.
If it Were lighter touch Than petal of flower resting On grass, oh still too heavy it we… Too heavy!
Pain ebbs, And like cool balm, An opiate weariness Settles on eye-lids, on relaxed Pale wrists.
Heard ye the maidens Went through the meadows, Early, O, early, While yet the dew was Wet on the grass?
No guile? Nay, but so strangely He moves among us. . Not this Man but Barabbas! Release to us Barabbas!
(1) The rose new-opening saith, And the dew of the morning saith, (Fallen leaves and vanished dew) Remember death.
A flickering light near spent Her pale hand bore. Have you seen Angelique? Will she know the place Dead feet must find,
Is it as plainly in our living sho… By slant and twist, which way the…
Was it love breathed on us as on t… Dawn breathes for a short space an… Or loved we never at all who but m… With too dim vision the guarded my… Were we unfaithful or were we unwi…
Nor stars . . the dark . . and in The dark the grey Ghost glimmer of the olive trees The black straight rows Of Cypresses.
Reap, reap the grain and gather The sweet grapes from the vine; Our Lord’s mother is weeping, She hath nor bread nor wine; She is weeping. The Queen of Hea…
Peter stands by the gate, And Michael by the throne. ‘Peter, I would pass the gate And come before the throne.’ ‘Whose spirit prayed never at the…
THE old Old winds that blew When chaos was, what do They tell the clattered trees that… Should weep?
A laggard in the rear of time’s sw… And one who loiters on an aimless… Through lands he knows not; lured… In secret paths where silence hold… And rust ascending wings. Roads m…
The long night through and still a… Estranged from eyes that very wear… Makes blind to dawn.