When I was girl by Nilus stream I watched the deserts stars arise; My lover, he who dreamed the Sphi… Learned all his dreaming from eyes… I bore in Greece a burning name,
Not thou, White rose, but thy Ensanguined sister is The dear companion of my heart’s Shed blood.
Is it as plainly in our living sho… By slant and twist, which way the…
In your Curled petals what ghosts Of blue headlands and seas, What perfumed immortal breath sigh… Of Greece.
Reap, reap the grain and gather The sweet grapes from the vine; Our Lord’s mother is weeping, She hath nor bread nor wine; She is weeping. The Queen of Hea…
Art thou Not kin to him Who loved Mark’s wife and both Died for it? O, thou harper in Green woods?
The immemorial grief of all years Burdes my heart sorely, and the ye… Of slow eternal crying stain my ch… Forever and forever my soul speaks Saying: I am thy self: Look on me…
Seen on a night in November How frail Above the bulk Of crashing water hangs, Autumn, evanescent, wan,
The sun is warm today, O Romulus, and on Thine older Palentine the birds Still sing.
Dost thou Not feel them slip, How cold! how cold! the moon’s Thin wavering finger-tips, along Thy throat?
Little Sister Rose-Marie, Will thy feet as willing-light Run through Paradise, I wonder, As they run the blue skies under, Willing feet, so airy-light?
Little my lacking fortunes show For this to eat and that to wear; Yet laughing, Soul, and gaily go! An obol pays the Stygian fare. London, 1910
Than spring’s new scents The winter’s earliest wind Blows from the hills the first fai… Of Snow. Why have I
Sea-foam And coral! Oh, I’ll Climb the great pasture rocks And dream me mermaid in the sun’s Gold flood.
No guile? Nay, but so strangely He moves among us. . Not this Man but Barabbas! Release to us Barabbas!