Mary Magdalene Apostole Of The Heart

Mary Magdalene Apostole Of The Heart

 I live and I write...... My life is a canvas and I have arranged the qualities of myself so perfectly as to contradict angelic purity and blasphemy in such a way that it is irresistible to all lovers, and all tragic romantics, all of those with open hearts to warm themselves.

 I live and I write...... My life is a canvas and I have arranged the qualities of myself so perfectly as to contradict angelic purity and blasphemy in such a way that it is irresistible to all lovers, and all tragic romantics, all of those with open hearts to warm themselves.
So warm your hearts in the oh so soothing sometimes painful flame that exhumes from me.
It has laid in my body as a coffin for to many centuries, its about time i let it out now.
