A spark of chance laid to waste But why lose faith and cease your… I know it hurts The pain, the sight... The death of hope inside
Why must this be...? Death grown from a tree A curse I’ll reap so soon Why must it mean my doom? Please redefine...
Piece by piece Feelings cease Guilty free Losing my conscience Finding hope
So I haven’t been writing/posting for quite awhile now, and when I do, it’s very spaced out. In all honesty, I feel like I’ve lost my writing touch. I guess I just feel as though I’ve w...
This has lasted for so long We never truly get along All we ever do is fight I just can’t seem to do things rig… You never really wanted me around
Death waves his dark bloody banner Destruction leaving the world in t… Dark brothers killing all they can Destroying those that never stood… When the hope seems all gone
On Satan’s browser The humans devour Innocent souls and morality Type in your darkest Desire and focus
This flesh carnal Death is the only thing it craves This mind feral A wandering soul gone astray I am bound to this rightful curse
Endlessly dreaming of love Though not the form I desire With those I do care for and love If I said I didn’t, I would be a… These dreams taunting me
Where have the heroes gone? Who are the villains now? Our constant foundation of love ha… On who’s behalf do you proceed? Granted it all and still you want…
Residing within the holy people I become prone to what’s natural If my intentions are truly evil Then there is nothing good in the… But if a step too far has been tak…
Finding my way around a resistant… Now closing this chapter of the bl… But falling short of the red notes Pull me back from the trap of the… Carve the bloody anchor of faith i…
I will break you With a word alone You will take heed Don’t you want some ease? Have you had enough?
I see them all Tending to work that will keep the… I watch them fall Stumbling as they try to stand and… Attempting prosperity
Come one, come all It’s just the beginning of it all Come see the world Listen to the rumored truth it hur… Move in and make this your new hom…