Azure White


Too many times
Have I compromised
My convictions
I once was alive
Walking up the stairs
Stepping towards the noose
Saying one last prayer
I now joined the doomed
You walked right into this one
Now there’s nothing that can be done
You fell for the seduction
Bringing on yourself damnation
I lost my head
Nothing can be said
I could’ve held back
And now I am dead
You lead yourself down this path
Now feel the surge of divine wrath
You gave into sedation
Gaining the false exaltation
One simple choice is all it took
But you just broke every rule in the book
Nothing more than a mere step back
But you still couldn’t even do that
Abandon all convictions
You’ll be reduced to ruins

This one is about compromising one's own convictions and the destruction it brings, provided they are the right sort of convictions.

The chorus is pretty straight forward. I admit that I have in, a sense, died morally.

The pre-chorus talks about me pretty much digging my own grave by continuously ignoring my convictions and the consequences of ignoring them. In the end, I join those who's convictions are long gone.

The chorus is actually me lecturing myself with slight admittance that I fell into the seduction of this world and it's way. Damnation may seem like a strong word and a little extreme, but once we've lost all senses of righteousness, we've banished ourselves from the convictions that kept us on the right track.

The second verse is basically just me realizing that I've messed up and wondering if there is even a way back at all.

The extended chorus furthers the lecture, saying that I will "feel the surge of divine wrath." What I mean by this is the feeling of spiritual pain and guilt felt afterwards.

All it takes to pull ourselves out of the destruction is one simple choice; to choose to step back and think things over before acting.

In conclusion, take into consideration your convictions before you take a step too far. It could possibly save you from the heartache and chaos that could destroy you for life.

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