Finding my way around a resistant… Now closing this chapter of the bl… But falling short of the red notes Pull me back from the trap of the… Carve the bloody anchor of faith i…
Desolation takes the throne Now the realization grows strong Misery has opened my eyes But can I keep them open for long… Agony above reproach
My iPod was recently found, so I’m ready to get back to writing.:) Also, I will begin a new concept series soon. This series will focus on deceit and the many ways deceit can trap thos...
The toll of war Delusioned gore Fighting mercilessly Endless killing Once consumed by the fight
I am but a stray sheep My shepherd provides all I need I am allowed to rest in the greens And led beside peaceful streams My strength becomes anew
Flowers and sunshine In fields so sublime This is what your perfect world lo… Nothing to worry about Nothing to fear aloud
The results are in So cold So heartless It’s pointless to resist Go bold
It seems like years But in reality And it’s only been a week I had left on a journey To meet someone I never get to se…
Walk The Waters Once Believed Face The Light Would You Care Deaf Ears
I take a moment to realize That the end is near and I... I feel a sense of loneliness But I can’t seem to find... That special someone You’ve chose…
I gave it away One too many times What can I gain? Can I have a sign? Why should I try?
So I’ve decided to have a separate page for the “extended version” of the Masquerade Ball concept series and just update the list when I’ve written/posted a new poem that fits into that...
We don’t wear a crown of gold We never heed the call of old We’re tried, but cannot be condemn… Though we know the truth of all wh… A perfect life unattained
I’ve tried to find The answers to this life Try as I might I will never realize... This is not my home
Where have the heroes gone? Who are the villains now? Our constant foundation of love ha… On who’s behalf do you proceed? Granted it all and still you want…