Azure White

Author Update 20

It’s been some time since I’ve posted something on Poeticous. I haven’t been very inspired to write anything lately, and I don’t like that, but I feel like it’s just now starting to come back.
I’m kind of wanting to continue writing poems for the Masquerade Ball concept series and expand the series from the standard 8 poems, which is something I’ve never done before. I’m not sure exactly how many I would be adding onto it, but I plan on there being at least 2 additional poems. I’ll begin working on them soon, so I’m hoping writer’s block doesn’t kick in inconveniently.
Also, I had begun working on a new concept series, possibly to be titled “Asylum”. My most recent poem, “Dealer”, was to be the first entry in that series, but I decided to not pursue it any further. Maybe at some point along the line, but not right now. I’ll probably continue adding to the Masquerade Ball series and see where I go from there.
Hoping for the best!

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