Azure White

Author Update 17

I’ve recently been having trouble starting any new poems. I’ve also been having trouble finding things to write about.
With this difficulty going on, I’ve contemplated on just not writing anything new until January 2015. I have plans for 2015, something that will allow me to expand beyond just poetry and sharing things I write on the web. It’s something I’ve been wanting to start for a long time. And once I have the things I need (I’ll be receiving these items for Christmas) I will begin the plans I have in mind. My current Poeticous profile picture may be used in these plans of mine...

I will still be posting my special Christmas themed poem. I’ve decided to change the day I post it to the 24 (Christmas Eve) instead of the 25th (Christmas). Posting it on the 24th just seems to fit the poem itself and its concept. I wrote this poem this summer and I’ve been waiting so long to post it on here. Christmas Eve is on its way along with my awaiting Christmas poem.:)

I would like to thank all of my followers on Poeticous for continuing to view and read my material, especially the ones that check in on my profile often. I’ve only been on this website for a year, maybe a year and a half, and within my first year on Poeticous, I have gotten so many views and a pretty decent number of followers. I’ve had a few followers come to me via email for advice, which is a big deal for me. It shows that I am accomplishing my goal of reaching people with my writings, at least I hope that’s what it is.
I really want to get somewhere with all of this. I have a desire to reach out to people and I feel like this website is a step towards that. All of you that read, like, favorite, share, comoment, and follow my stuff, though you may not know it, you are greatly helping me. You are helping me stay encouraged and determined to reach the goals I have. And that is why I am thanking all of you. Thank you all for being supportive and encouraging, whether you intend/know it or not. I greatly appreciate it.

Thank you all again and God bless!:)

Other works by Azure White...
