Azure White


This skin just feels so wrong
Is this what I was made to be?
There’s no way it belongs
If it doesn’t bleed then it must be
Just shut up and listen to me now
I don’t care what you’re talking about
It’s not my problem
Not worth my time
Just shut your mouth and get back in line
All I know is that you need to learn
What you should feel and when you can be hurt
If it don’t match up... well then good luck
You’ll need more acting to gain my trust
Now if this is the case then what is the point?
I’m always covering and hiding, denying and lying to your face
And still I disappoint?
This skin just feels so wrong
Is this what I was made to be?
There’s no way it belongs
If it doesn’t bleed then it must be
Not another word
I won’t listen to
Any of the crap you have to say
It’s pointless to even try to
Defend yourself and still change
I’m so confused at who I’ve become
I can’t tell if I’m real with a face so numb
Trying to be something that you created, not unique

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