A Broken Poet

"One Day They'll Understand"

See my point of view?

Shaken through this storm
Rattled like a snake,
Thrown around like a toy
Who cares if I break
Slaughter these lines
Iller than the sickness in me,
I’ve got to many problems
To many to really see
I climb the ladder of intelligence
But then I seem to tip,
I plummet to the bottom
Then I rise to the top of it
I seem to take a bow
But inside I’m hurt and vandalized
Do to this cruel world
That we all see otherwise
See you and I are different
I seem to seek the truth
You think life is a game
Until it starts to cheat on you
You breakdown like a wreck
You say what you dont mean,
You try to recover and get up
But its going to be as it seems
Snapped like a string
Cut up like paper,
They say words never hurt
Look at me 10 years later....
Dead like a corpse
But this corpse still walks,
It searches for its meaning
And lurks for what it wants
Thriving for love
I’m about to dig a hole,
This reaper is put to sleep
I want us to get old
Keep dreaming of this love
That love never fades away
Then wake me to see it
On that lovely blessed day
Cuz that day will be the day
That I believe in us,
Let life tell the story
And death sleep in it’s dust
I ravage about this life
About What it’s given to me
Hate, grudges, broken hearts,
Abuse, A split family tree
Yeah, noone sees it
I’m a nerd with glasses,
Mrs mary mack, dresses in black
Im the one who’s falls to ashes.
Lay me down to rest
My heart has already died out,
Don’t give anyone my mind
Then there strapped into a belt
I miss my grandpa,
I’ve been thinking of him lately
About how he took me to the beach
When I was just a little baby
I wish I could see him
Talk to him and catch up
But I’m happy he doesn’t feel pain
Like feeling distraught and corrupt
If this life is a virtue
Then why are we imprisoned,
Why is school a war field
Where no one ever listens?
Why are kids growing up
Without moms or dads,
Why are people so sick
Why do they sit and laugh
I’m sick and tired this!
I can’t change much!
But I can change for my kids!
(when I get older and have them)
I’m never going to drink!
Pop crack, smoke weed,
Do heroine or drugs
Most important, never leave
I’m a father figure
But I’m not a perfect man
And so I’m damn sure
That my kids have a fighting chance
Not to grow up like their dad
Beat up, inside and physically,
Left fighting inside
With no one there to visit me
My life is a challenge
Its a big brick wall,
I’ll just roll through it All
with a bowling ball.. Rick Ross  lol
I’m sick and tired of betray
Life has to have another way,
At least some love has to exist
Hell, I’ve been forced to stay
I go in the cemetery
I make a tombstone,
It says “wake me up”
When love has a home
I crawl in the hole
Put the dirt over the top,
They never dug me up
Cuz love is always forgot
But one day I hope
That they’ll dig me up,
Cuz even though I’m dead....
I’ll will still know how to love.
Autres oeuvres par A Broken Poet...
